Central vacuum System
Central Vacuum System Options in Madison WI
A central vacuum system is a fundamental part of a healthy home. The systems improve air quality in homes and create healthier living environments. In addition, central vac systems are convenient and make cleaning easier and faster. The units themselves are extremely powerful, made to last, and have numerous options for any living space or cleaning needs
Improve Indoor Air Quality With A Central Vacuum
A central vacuum system will capture 100% of all dirt, dust, and allergens. The result is simply better indoor air quality. Your living areas will be completely free of particles causing dust and particulate matter that aggravates allergies. Deep down embedded dirt and debris will be permanently removed with suction five times more powerful than conventional vacuums. In addition, to ensure dirt and debris is removed completely, the canister collecting the vacuumed material is positioned outside your home – usually in the garage.
A single central vacuum is the only system needed. The system reaches every square foot of your home using strategically placed inlets. Then, a conventional looking vacuum head and hose allow you to plugin and reach every room and every corner within your home. Then, from every room, the dirt and debris is taken though tubing located within your home’s walls directly to a canister outside of your home. Dirt and debris never get a chance to build up. It is a simple but powerful prescription for great indoor air quality.
A Central Vacuum System Will Last Longer
We offer HP Element central vacuum products and installation packages. Please browse through the manufacturers websites to view a complete list of products.
Contact Northland Door Systems for information on pricing for purchase, installation, and other services related to your central vacuum system in Madison WI.